


Convenience function for defining custom VJP rules (aka custom gradients).

While the canonical way to define custom VJP rules is via jax.custom_vjp, the custom_gradient convenience wrapper follows TensorFlow’s tf.custom_gradient API. The difference here is that custom_gradient can be used as a decorator on one function that returns both the primal value (representing the output of the mathematical function to be differentiated) and the VJP (gradient) function. See https://www.tensorflow.org/api_docs/python/tf/custom_gradient.

If the mathematical function to be differentiated has Haskell-like signature a -> b, then the Python callable fun should have the signature a -> (b, CT b --o CT a) where we use CT x to denote a cotangent type for x and the --o arrow to denote a linear function. See the example below. That is, fun should return a pair where the first element represents the value of the mathematical function to be differentiated and the second element is a function to be called on the backward pass of reverse-mode automatic differentiation (i.e. the “custom gradient” function).

The function returned as the second element of the output of fun can close over intermediate values computed when evaluating the function to be differentiated. That is, use lexical closure to share work between the forward pass and the backward pass of reverse-mode automatic differentiation. However, it cannot perform Python control flow which depends on the values of the closed-over intermediate values or its cotangent arguments; if the function includes such control flow, an error is raised.


fun – a Python callable specifying both the mathematical function to be differentiated and its reverse-mode differentiation rule. It should return a pair consisting of an output value and a Python callable that represents the custom gradient function.


A Python callable that accepts the same arguments as fun and returns the output value specified by the first element of fun’s output pair.

For example:

>>> @jax.custom_gradient
... def f(x):
...   return x ** 2, lambda g: (g * x,)
>>> print(f(3.))
>>> print(jax.grad(f)(3.))

An example with a function on two arguments, so that the VJP function must return a tuple of length two:

>>> @jax.custom_gradient
... def f(x, y):
...   return x * y, lambda g: (g * y, g * x)
>>> print(f(3., 4.))
>>> print(jax.grad(f, argnums=(0, 1))(3., 4.))
(Array(4., dtype=float32, weak_type=True), Array(3., dtype=float32, weak_type=True))