jax.experimental.key_reuse module

jax.experimental.key_reuse module#

Experimental Key Reuse Checking#

This module contains experimental functionality for detecting reuse of random keys within JAX programs. It is under active development and the APIs here are likely to change. The usage below requires JAX version 0.4.26 or newer.

Key reuse checking can be enabled using the jax_debug_key_reuse configuration. This can be set globally using:

>>> jax.config.update('jax_debug_key_reuse', True)  

Or it can be enabled locally with the jax.debug_key_reuse() context manager. When enabled, using the same key twice will result in a KeyReuseError:

>>> import jax
>>> with jax.debug_key_reuse(True):
...   key = jax.random.key(0)
...   val1 = jax.random.normal(key)
...   val2 = jax.random.normal(key)  
Traceback (most recent call last):
KeyReuseError: Previously-consumed key passed to jit-compiled function at index 0

The key reuse checker is currently experimental, but in the future we will likely enable it by default.