- jax.numpy.geomspace(start, stop, num=50, endpoint=True, dtype=None, axis=0)[source]#
Generate geometrically-spaced values.
JAX implementation of
.- Parameters:
start (ArrayLike) – scalar or array. Specifies the starting values.
stop (ArrayLike) – scalar or array. Specifies the stop values.
num (int) – int, optional, default=50. Number of values to generate.
endpoint (bool) – bool, optional, default=True. If True, then include the
value in the result. If False, then exclude thestop
value.dtype (DTypeLike | None | None) – optional. Specifies the dtype of the output.
axis (int) – int, optional, default=0. Axis along which to generate the geomspace.
- Returns:
An array containing the geometrically-spaced values.
- Return type:
See also
: GenerateN
evenly-spaced values given a starting point and a step value.jax.numpy.linspace()
: Generate evenly-spaced values.jax.numpy.logspace()
: Generate logarithmically-spaced values.
List 5 geometrically-spaced values between 1 and 16:
>>> with jnp.printoptions(precision=3, suppress=True): ... jnp.geomspace(1, 16, 5) Array([ 1., 2., 4., 8., 16.], dtype=float32)
List 4 geomtrically-spaced values between 1 and 16, with
:>>> with jnp.printoptions(precision=3, suppress=True): ... jnp.geomspace(1, 16, 4, endpoint=False) Array([1., 2., 4., 8.], dtype=float32)
Multi-dimensional geomspace:
>>> start = jnp.array([1, 1000]) >>> stop = jnp.array([27, 1]) >>> with jnp.printoptions(precision=3, suppress=True): ... jnp.geomspace(start, stop, 4) Array([[ 1., 1000.], [ 3., 100.], [ 9., 10.], [ 27., 1.]], dtype=float32)