
jax.numpy.bitwise_or = <jnp.ufunc 'bitwise_or'>#

Compute the bitwise OR operation elementwise.

JAX implementation of numpy.bitwise_or. This is a universal function, and supports the additional APIs described at jax.numpy.ufunc. This function provides the implementation of the | operator for JAX arrays.

  • x – integer or boolean arrays. Must be broadcastable to a common shape.

  • y – integer or boolean arrays. Must be broadcastable to a common shape.

  • args (ArrayLike)

  • out (None)

  • where (None)


Array containing the result of the element-wise bitwise OR.

Return type:



Calling bitwise_or explicitly:

>>> x = jnp.arange(4)
>>> jnp.bitwise_or(x, 1)
Array([1, 1, 3, 3], dtype=int32)

Calling bitwise_or via the | operator:

>>> x | 1
Array([1, 1, 3, 3], dtype=int32)