
jax.numpy.angle(z, deg=False)[source]#

Return the angle of a complex valued number or array.

JAX implementation of numpy.angle().

  • z (ArrayLike) – A complex number or an array of complex numbers.

  • deg (bool) – Boolean. If True, returns the result in degrees else returns in radians. Default is False.


An array of counterclockwise angle of each element of z, with the same shape as z of dtype float.

Return type:



If z is a number

>>> z1 = 2+3j
>>> jnp.angle(z1)
Array(0.98279375, dtype=float32, weak_type=True)

If z is an array

>>> z2 = jnp.array([[1+3j, 2-5j],
...                 [4-3j, 3+2j]])
>>> with jnp.printoptions(precision=2, suppress=True):
...     print(jnp.angle(z2))
[[ 1.25 -1.19]
 [-0.64  0.59]]

If deg=True.

>>> with jnp.printoptions(precision=2, suppress=True):
...     print(jnp.angle(z2, deg=True))
[[ 71.57 -68.2 ]
 [-36.87  33.69]]