Source code for jax._src.numpy.setops

# Copyright 2022 The JAX Authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

from __future__ import annotations

from functools import partial
import math
import operator
from textwrap import dedent as _dedent
from typing import cast, NamedTuple

import numpy as np

from jax import jit
from jax import lax

from jax._src import core
from jax._src import dtypes
from jax._src.lax import lax as lax_internal
from jax._src.numpy.lax_numpy import (
    append, arange, array, asarray, concatenate, diff,
    empty, full_like, lexsort, moveaxis, nonzero, ones, ravel,
    sort, where, zeros)
from jax._src.numpy.reductions import any, cumsum
from jax._src.numpy.ufuncs import isnan
from jax._src.numpy.util import check_arraylike, implements
from jax._src.util import canonicalize_axis
from jax._src.typing import Array, ArrayLike

_lax_const = lax_internal._const

@partial(jit, static_argnames=('invert',))
def _in1d(ar1: ArrayLike, ar2: ArrayLike, invert: bool) -> Array:
  check_arraylike("in1d", ar1, ar2)
  ar1_flat = ravel(ar1)
  ar2_flat = ravel(ar2)
  # Note: an algorithm based on searchsorted has better scaling, but in practice
  # is very slow on accelerators because it relies on lax control flow. If XLA
  # ever supports binary search natively, we should switch to this:
  #   ar2_flat = jnp.sort(ar2_flat)
  #   ind = jnp.searchsorted(ar2_flat, ar1_flat)
  #   if invert:
  #     return ar1_flat != ar2_flat[ind]
  #   else:
  #     return ar1_flat == ar2_flat[ind]
  if invert:
    return (ar1_flat[:, None] != ar2_flat[None, :]).all(-1)
    return (ar1_flat[:, None] == ar2_flat[None, :]).any(-1)

[docs] @implements(np.setdiff1d, lax_description=_dedent(""" Because the size of the output of ``setdiff1d`` is data-dependent, the function is not typically compatible with JIT. The JAX version adds the optional ``size`` argument which must be specified statically for ``jnp.setdiff1d`` to be used within some of JAX's transformations."""), extra_params=_dedent(""" size : int, optional If specified, the first ``size`` elements of the result will be returned. If there are fewer elements than ``size`` indicates, the return value will be padded with ``fill_value``. fill_value : array_like, optional When ``size`` is specified and there are fewer than the indicated number of elements, the remaining elements will be filled with ``fill_value``, which defaults to zero.""")) def setdiff1d(ar1: ArrayLike, ar2: ArrayLike, assume_unique: bool = False, *, size: int | None = None, fill_value: ArrayLike | None = None) -> Array: check_arraylike("setdiff1d", ar1, ar2) if size is None: ar1 = core.concrete_or_error(None, ar1, "The error arose in setdiff1d()") else: size = core.concrete_or_error(operator.index, size, "The error arose in setdiff1d()") arr1 = asarray(ar1) fill_value = asarray(0 if fill_value is None else fill_value, dtype=arr1.dtype) if arr1.size == 0: return full_like(arr1, fill_value, shape=size or 0) if not assume_unique: arr1 = cast(Array, unique(arr1, size=size and arr1.size)) mask = _in1d(arr1, ar2, invert=True) if size is None: return arr1[mask] else: if not (assume_unique or size is None): # Set mask to zero at locations corresponding to unique() padding. n_unique = arr1.size + 1 - (arr1 == arr1[0]).sum() mask = where(arange(arr1.size) < n_unique, mask, False) return where(arange(size) < mask.sum(), arr1[where(mask, size=size)], fill_value)
[docs] @implements(np.union1d, lax_description=_dedent(""" Because the size of the output of ``union1d`` is data-dependent, the function is not typically compatible with JIT. The JAX version adds the optional ``size`` argument which must be specified statically for ``jnp.union1d`` to be used within some of JAX's transformations."""), extra_params=_dedent(""" size : int, optional If specified, the first ``size`` elements of the result will be returned. If there are fewer elements than ``size`` indicates, the return value will be padded with ``fill_value``. fill_value : array_like, optional When ``size`` is specified and there are fewer than the indicated number of elements, the remaining elements will be filled with ``fill_value``, which defaults to the minimum value of the union.""")) def union1d(ar1: ArrayLike, ar2: ArrayLike, *, size: int | None = None, fill_value: ArrayLike | None = None) -> Array: check_arraylike("union1d", ar1, ar2) if size is None: ar1 = core.concrete_or_error(None, ar1, "The error arose in union1d()") ar2 = core.concrete_or_error(None, ar2, "The error arose in union1d()") else: size = core.concrete_or_error(operator.index, size, "The error arose in union1d()") out = unique(concatenate((ar1, ar2), axis=None), size=size, fill_value=fill_value) return cast(Array, out)
[docs] @implements(np.setxor1d, lax_description=""" In the JAX version, the input arrays are explicitly flattened regardless of assume_unique value. """) def setxor1d(ar1: ArrayLike, ar2: ArrayLike, assume_unique: bool = False) -> Array: check_arraylike("setxor1d", ar1, ar2) ar1 = core.concrete_or_error(None, ar1, "The error arose in setxor1d()") ar2 = core.concrete_or_error(None, ar2, "The error arose in setxor1d()") ar1 = ravel(ar1) ar2 = ravel(ar2) if not assume_unique: ar1 = unique(ar1) ar2 = unique(ar2) aux = concatenate((ar1, ar2)) if aux.size == 0: return aux aux = sort(aux) flag = concatenate((array([True]), aux[1:] != aux[:-1], array([True]))) return aux[flag[1:] & flag[:-1]]
@partial(jit, static_argnames=['return_indices']) def _intersect1d_sorted_mask(ar1: ArrayLike, ar2: ArrayLike, return_indices: bool = False) -> tuple[Array, ...]: """ Helper function for intersect1d which is jit-able """ ar = concatenate((ar1, ar2)) if return_indices: iota = lax.broadcasted_iota(np.int64, np.shape(ar), dimension=0) aux, indices = lax.sort_key_val(ar, iota) else: aux = sort(ar) mask = aux[1:] == aux[:-1] if return_indices: return aux, mask, indices else: return aux, mask
[docs] @implements(np.intersect1d) def intersect1d(ar1: ArrayLike, ar2: ArrayLike, assume_unique: bool = False, return_indices: bool = False) -> Array | tuple[Array, Array, Array]: check_arraylike("intersect1d", ar1, ar2) ar1 = core.concrete_or_error(None, ar1, "The error arose in intersect1d()") ar2 = core.concrete_or_error(None, ar2, "The error arose in intersect1d()") if not assume_unique: if return_indices: ar1, ind1 = unique(ar1, return_index=True) ar2, ind2 = unique(ar2, return_index=True) else: ar1 = unique(ar1) ar2 = unique(ar2) else: ar1 = ravel(ar1) ar2 = ravel(ar2) if return_indices: aux, mask, aux_sort_indices = _intersect1d_sorted_mask(ar1, ar2, return_indices) else: aux, mask = _intersect1d_sorted_mask(ar1, ar2, return_indices) int1d = aux[:-1][mask] if return_indices: ar1_indices = aux_sort_indices[:-1][mask] ar2_indices = aux_sort_indices[1:][mask] - np.size(ar1) if not assume_unique: ar1_indices = ind1[ar1_indices] ar2_indices = ind2[ar2_indices] return int1d, ar1_indices, ar2_indices else: return int1d
[docs] @implements(np.isin, lax_description=""" In the JAX version, the `assume_unique` argument is not referenced. """) def isin(element: ArrayLike, test_elements: ArrayLike, assume_unique: bool = False, invert: bool = False) -> Array: del assume_unique # unused check_arraylike("isin", element, test_elements) result = _in1d(element, test_elements, invert=invert) return result.reshape(np.shape(element))
### SetOps UNIQUE_SIZE_HINT = ( "To make jnp.unique() compatible with JIT and other transforms, you can specify " "a concrete value for the size argument, which will determine the output size.") @partial(jit, static_argnames=['axis', 'equal_nan']) def _unique_sorted_mask(ar: Array, axis: int, equal_nan: bool) -> tuple[Array, Array, Array]: aux = moveaxis(ar, axis, 0) if np.issubdtype(aux.dtype, np.complexfloating): # Work around issue in sorting of complex numbers with Nan only in the # imaginary component. This can be removed if sorting in this situation # is fixed to match numpy. aux = where(isnan(aux), _lax_const(aux, np.nan), aux) size, *out_shape = aux.shape if == 0: size = 1 perm = zeros(1, dtype=int) else: perm = lexsort(aux.reshape(size,[::-1]) aux = aux[perm] if aux.size: if dtypes.issubdtype(aux.dtype, np.inexact) and equal_nan: # This is appropriate for both float and complex due to the documented behavior of np.unique: # See neq = lambda x, y:, y) & ~(isnan(x) & isnan(y)) else: neq = mask = ones(size, dtype=bool).at[1:].set(any(neq(aux[1:], aux[:-1]), tuple(range(1, aux.ndim)))) else: mask = zeros(size, dtype=bool) return aux, mask, perm def _unique(ar: Array, axis: int, return_index: bool = False, return_inverse: bool = False, return_counts: bool = False, equal_nan: bool = True, size: int | None = None, fill_value: ArrayLike | None = None, return_true_size: bool = False ) -> Array | tuple[Array, ...]: """ Find the unique elements of an array along a particular axis. """ axis = canonicalize_axis(axis, ar.ndim) if ar.shape[axis] == 0 and size and fill_value is None: raise ValueError( "jnp.unique: for zero-sized input with nonzero size argument, fill_value must be specified") aux, mask, perm = _unique_sorted_mask(ar, axis, equal_nan) if size is None: ind = core.concrete_or_error(None, mask, "The error arose in jnp.unique(). " + UNIQUE_SIZE_HINT) else: ind = nonzero(mask, size=size)[0] result = aux[ind] if aux.size else aux if size is not None and fill_value is not None: fill_value = asarray(fill_value, dtype=result.dtype) if result.shape[0]: valid = lax.expand_dims(arange(size) < mask.sum(), tuple(range(1, result.ndim))) result = where(valid, result, fill_value) else: result = full_like(result, fill_value, shape=(size, *result.shape[1:])) result = moveaxis(result, 0, axis) ret: tuple[Array, ...] = (result,) if return_index: if aux.size: ret += (perm[ind],) else: ret += (perm,) if return_inverse: if aux.size: imask = cumsum(mask) - 1 inv_idx = zeros(mask.shape, dtype=dtypes.canonicalize_dtype(dtypes.int_)) inv_idx =[perm].set(imask) else: inv_idx = zeros(ar.shape[axis], dtype=int) if ar.ndim > 1: inv_idx = lax.expand_dims(inv_idx, [i for i in range(ar.ndim) if i != axis],) ret += (inv_idx,) if return_counts: if aux.size: if size is None: idx = append(nonzero(mask)[0], mask.size) else: idx = nonzero(mask, size=size + 1)[0] idx =[1:].set(where(idx[1:], idx[1:], mask.size)) ret += (diff(idx),) elif ar.shape[axis]: ret += (array([ar.shape[axis]], dtype=dtypes.canonicalize_dtype(dtypes.int_)),) else: ret += (empty(0, dtype=int),) if return_true_size: # Useful for internal uses of unique(). ret += (mask.sum(),) return ret[0] if len(ret) == 1 else ret
[docs] @implements(np.unique, skip_params=['axis'], lax_description=_dedent(""" Because the size of the output of ``unique`` is data-dependent, the function is not typically compatible with JIT. The JAX version adds the optional ``size`` argument which must be specified statically for ``jnp.unique`` to be used within some of JAX's transformations."""), extra_params=_dedent(""" size : int, optional If specified, the first ``size`` unique elements will be returned. If there are fewer unique elements than ``size`` indicates, the return value will be padded with ``fill_value``. fill_value : array_like, optional When ``size`` is specified and there are fewer than the indicated number of elements, the remaining elements will be filled with ``fill_value``. The default is the minimum value along the specified axis of the input.""")) def unique(ar: ArrayLike, return_index: bool = False, return_inverse: bool = False, return_counts: bool = False, axis: int | None = None, *, equal_nan: bool = True, size: int | None = None, fill_value: ArrayLike | None = None): check_arraylike("unique", ar) if size is None: ar = core.concrete_or_error(None, ar, "The error arose for the first argument of jnp.unique(). " + UNIQUE_SIZE_HINT) else: size = core.concrete_or_error(operator.index, size, "The error arose for the size argument of jnp.unique(). " + UNIQUE_SIZE_HINT) arr = asarray(ar) arr_shape = arr.shape if axis is None: axis_int: int = 0 arr = arr.flatten() else: axis_int = canonicalize_axis(axis, arr.ndim) result = _unique(arr, axis_int, return_index, return_inverse, return_counts, equal_nan=equal_nan, size=size, fill_value=fill_value) if return_inverse and axis is None: idx = 2 if return_index else 1 result = (*result[:idx], result[idx].reshape(arr_shape), *result[idx + 1:]) return result
class _UniqueAllResult(NamedTuple): values: Array indices: Array inverse_indices: Array counts: Array class _UniqueCountsResult(NamedTuple): values: Array counts: Array class _UniqueInverseResult(NamedTuple): values: Array inverse_indices: Array
[docs] @implements(getattr(np, "unique_all", None)) def unique_all(x: ArrayLike, /) -> _UniqueAllResult: check_arraylike("unique_all", x) values, indices, inverse_indices, counts = unique( x, return_index=True, return_inverse=True, return_counts=True, equal_nan=False) return _UniqueAllResult(values=values, indices=indices, inverse_indices=inverse_indices, counts=counts)
[docs] @implements(getattr(np, "unique_counts", None)) def unique_counts(x: ArrayLike, /) -> _UniqueCountsResult: check_arraylike("unique_counts", x) values, counts = unique(x, return_counts=True, equal_nan=False) return _UniqueCountsResult(values=values, counts=counts)
[docs] @implements(getattr(np, "unique_inverse", None)) def unique_inverse(x: ArrayLike, /) -> _UniqueInverseResult: check_arraylike("unique_inverse", x) values, inverse_indices = unique(x, return_inverse=True, equal_nan=False) return _UniqueInverseResult(values=values, inverse_indices=inverse_indices)
[docs] @implements(getattr(np, "unique_values", None)) def unique_values(x: ArrayLike, /) -> Array: check_arraylike("unique_values", x) return cast(Array, unique(x, equal_nan=False))