Source code for jax._src.lax.control_flow.conditionals

# Copyright 2022 The JAX Authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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# limitations under the License.
"""Module for conditional control flow primitives."""
from __future__ import annotations

import collections
from import Sequence
import functools
from functools import partial
import inspect
import itertools
import operator
from typing import Any, Callable, TypeVar

from jax.tree_util import tree_flatten, tree_unflatten
from jax._src import ad_util
from jax._src import config
from jax._src import core
from jax._src import dispatch
from jax._src import dtypes
from jax._src import effects
from jax._src import linear_util as lu
from jax._src import source_info_util
from jax._src import util
from jax._src.state.discharge import register_discharge_rule, discharge_state
from jax._src.state.types import AbstractRef, RefEffect
from jax._src.core import ConcreteArray, raise_to_shaped, replace_jaxpr_effects
from jax._src.interpreters import ad
from jax._src.interpreters import batching
from jax._src.interpreters import mlir
from jax._src.interpreters import partial_eval as pe
from jax._src.interpreters import xla
from jax._src.lax import lax
from jax._src.traceback_util import api_boundary
from jax._src.util import (safe_map, split_list, partition_list)
from jax._src.lib.mlir import ir
from jax._src.lib.mlir.dialects import hlo
import numpy as np

from jax._src.lax.control_flow.common import (

map, unsafe_map = safe_map, map

# For backward compatibility with a previous switch/cond calling convention,
# we allow a single (pytree) `operand` argument to be passed by keyword. We use
# a sentinel object as its default value to indicate when it is _not_ passed.
_no_operand_sentinel = object()

[docs] @api_boundary def switch(index, branches: Sequence[Callable], *operands, operand=_no_operand_sentinel): """Apply exactly one of the ``branches`` given by ``index``. If ``index`` is out of bounds, it is clamped to within bounds. Has the semantics of the following Python:: def switch(index, branches, *operands): index = clamp(0, index, len(branches) - 1) return branches[index](*operands) Internally this wraps XLA's `Conditional <>`_ operator. However, when transformed with :func:`~jax.vmap` to operate over a batch of predicates, ``cond`` is converted to :func:``. Args: index: Integer scalar type, indicating which branch function to apply. branches: Sequence of functions (A -> B) to be applied based on ``index``. operands: Operands (A) input to whichever branch is applied. Returns: Value (B) of ``branch(*operands)`` for the branch that was selected based on ``index``. """ if not all(callable(branch) for branch in branches): raise TypeError("lax.switch: branches argument should be a sequence of callables.") if operand is not _no_operand_sentinel: if operands: raise TypeError("if 'operand' keyword is passed then no positional " f"operands can be passed, got {operand=} " f"and positional operands {operands}") operands = (operand,) del operand if len(np.shape(index)) != 0: raise TypeError( f"Branch index must be scalar, " f"got {index} of shape {np.shape(index)}.") try: index_dtype = dtypes.result_type(index) except TypeError as err: msg = f"Index type must be an integer, got {index}." raise TypeError(msg) from err if index_dtype.kind not in 'iu': raise TypeError( f"Index type must be an integer, got {index} as {index_dtype}") branches = tuple(branches) if len(branches) == 0: raise ValueError("Empty branch sequence") elif len(branches) == 1: return branches[0](*operands) index = lax.convert_element_type(index, np.int32) lo = np.array(0, np.int32) hi = np.array(len(branches) - 1, np.int32) index = lax.clamp(lo, index, hi) if (config.disable_jit.value and isinstance(core.get_aval(index), ConcreteArray)): return branches[int(index)](*operands) ops, ops_tree = tree_flatten(operands) ops_avals = tuple(map(_abstractify, ops)) jaxprs, consts, out_trees = _initial_style_jaxprs_with_common_consts( branches, ops_tree, ops_avals, primitive_name='switch') for i, (out_tree, jaxpr) in enumerate(zip(out_trees[1:], jaxprs[1:])): _check_tree_and_avals(f"branch 0 and {i + 1} outputs", out_trees[0], jaxprs[0].out_avals, out_tree, jaxpr.out_avals) joined_effects = core.join_effects(*(jaxpr.effects for jaxpr in jaxprs)) disallowed_effects = effects.control_flow_allowed_effects.filter_not_in(joined_effects) if disallowed_effects: raise NotImplementedError( f'Effects not supported in `switch`: {disallowed_effects}') if joined_effects: # Raise index in case of effects to allow data-dependence-based discharging # of those effects (even if they don't have an explicit data dependence). index = core.raise_as_much_as_possible(index) linear = (False,) * (len(consts) + len(ops)) out = cond_p.bind( index, *consts, *ops, branches=tuple(jaxprs), linear=linear) return tree_unflatten(out_trees[0], out)
def _cond(pred, true_fun: Callable, false_fun: Callable, *operands, operand=_no_operand_sentinel, linear=None): """Conditionally apply ``true_fun`` or ``false_fun``. Wraps XLA's `Conditional <>`_ operator. Provided arguments are correctly typed, ``cond()`` has equivalent semantics to this Python implementation, where ``pred`` must be a scalar type:: def cond(pred, true_fun, false_fun, *operands): if pred: return true_fun(*operands) else: return false_fun(*operands) In contrast with :func:``, using ``cond`` indicates that only one of the two branches is executed (up to compiler rewrites and optimizations). However, when transformed with :func:`~jax.vmap` to operate over a batch of predicates, ``cond`` is converted to :func:``. Args: pred: Boolean scalar type, indicating which branch function to apply. true_fun: Function (A -> B), to be applied if ``pred`` is True. false_fun: Function (A -> B), to be applied if ``pred`` is False. operands: Operands (A) input to either branch depending on ``pred``. The type can be a scalar, array, or any pytree (nested Python tuple/list/dict) thereof. Returns: Value (B) of either ``true_fun(*operands)`` or ``false_fun(*operands)``, depending on the value of ``pred``. The type can be a scalar, array, or any pytree (nested Python tuple/list/dict) thereof. """ if not (callable(true_fun) and callable(false_fun)): raise TypeError("lax.cond: true_fun and false_fun arguments should be callable.") if operand is not _no_operand_sentinel: if operands: raise TypeError("if 'operand' keyword is passed then no positional " f"operands can be passed, got {operand=} " f"and positional operands {operands}") operands = (operand,) del operand if pred is None: raise TypeError("cond predicate is None") if isinstance(pred, Sequence) or np.ndim(pred) != 0: raise TypeError( f"Pred must be a scalar, got {pred} of " + (f"type {type(pred)}" if isinstance(pred, Sequence) else f"shape {np.shape(pred)}.")) try: pred_dtype = dtypes.result_type(pred) except TypeError as err: msg = ("Pred type must be either boolean or number, got {}.") raise TypeError(msg.format(pred)) from err if pred_dtype.kind != 'b': if pred_dtype.kind in 'iuf': pred = pred != 0 else: msg = ("Pred type must be either boolean or number, got {}.") raise TypeError(msg.format(pred_dtype)) if config.disable_jit.value and isinstance(core.get_aval(pred), ConcreteArray): if pred: return true_fun(*operands) else: return false_fun(*operands) ops, ops_tree = tree_flatten(operands) if linear is None: linear_ops = [False] * len(ops) else: linear_ops, ops_tree2 = tree_flatten(linear) if ops_tree != ops_tree2: raise TypeError('linear tree and operand tree mismatch') ops_avals = tuple(map(_abstractify, ops)) jaxprs, consts, out_trees = _initial_style_jaxprs_with_common_consts( (true_fun, false_fun), ops_tree, ops_avals, 'cond') if any(isinstance(op_aval, AbstractRef) for op_aval in ops_avals): raise ValueError("Cannot pass `Ref`s into `cond`.") true_jaxpr, false_jaxpr = jaxprs out_tree, false_out_tree = out_trees if any(isinstance(out_aval, AbstractRef) for out_aval in true_jaxpr.out_avals + false_jaxpr.out_avals): raise ValueError("Cannot return `Ref`s from `cond`.") _check_tree_and_avals("true_fun and false_fun output", out_tree, true_jaxpr.out_avals, false_out_tree, false_jaxpr.out_avals) joined_effects = core.join_effects(true_jaxpr.effects, false_jaxpr.effects) disallowed_effects = effects.control_flow_allowed_effects.filter_not_in(joined_effects) if disallowed_effects: raise NotImplementedError( f'Effects not supported in `cond`: {disallowed_effects}') index = lax.convert_element_type(pred, np.int32) if joined_effects: # Raise index in case of effects to allow data-dependence-based discharging # of those effects (even if they don't have an explicit data dependence). index = core.raise_as_much_as_possible(index) false_jaxpr = replace_jaxpr_effects(false_jaxpr, joined_effects) true_jaxpr = replace_jaxpr_effects(true_jaxpr, joined_effects) linear = [False] * len(consts) + linear_ops out = cond_p.bind( index, *consts, *ops, branches=(false_jaxpr, true_jaxpr), linear=tuple(linear)) return tree_unflatten(out_tree, out)
[docs] @api_boundary @functools.wraps(_cond) def cond(*args, **kwargs): # detect an attempt to call the former, deprecated cond try: ba = inspect.signature(_cond_with_per_branch_args).bind(*args, **kwargs) except TypeError: pass else: assert not ba.kwargs # no catch-all **kwargs in _cond_with_per_branch _, true_operand, true_fun, false_operand, false_fun = ba.args if callable(true_operand) and callable(true_fun): # treat this as modern cond (with two operands) return _cond(*args, **kwargs) if callable(true_fun) and callable(false_fun): return _cond_with_per_branch_args(*ba.args) return _cond(*args, **kwargs)
def _cond_with_per_branch_args(pred, true_operand, true_fun: Callable, false_operand, false_fun: Callable): """Conditionally apply ``true_fun`` or ``false_fun``. Has equivalent semantics to this Python implementation:: def cond(pred, true_operand, true_fun, false_operand, false_fun): if pred: return true_fun(true_operand) else: return false_fun(false_operand) Pred has to be a scalar type, collection types (list, tuple) are not supported """ if not (callable(true_fun) and callable(false_fun)): raise TypeError("lax.cond: true_fun and false_fun arguments should be callable.") return _cond(pred, lambda op: true_fun(op[0]), lambda op: false_fun(op[1]), (true_operand, false_operand)) def _join_cond_effects(branches: Sequence[core.Jaxpr]) -> effects.Effects: joined_effects = set() for b in branches: for eff in b.effects: if isinstance(eff, effects.JaxprInputEffect): # Offset index to handle predicate eff = eff.replace(input_index=eff.input_index + 1) joined_effects.add(eff) return joined_effects def _cond_abstract_eval(*avals, branches, **_): joined_effects = _join_cond_effects(branches) disallowed_effects = effects.control_flow_allowed_effects.filter_not_in(joined_effects) if disallowed_effects: raise NotImplementedError( f'Effects not supported in `cond`: {disallowed_effects}') return map(raise_to_shaped, branches[0].out_avals), joined_effects def _bcast_select(pred, on_true, on_false): if np.ndim(pred) != np.ndim(on_true): idx = list(range(np.ndim(pred))) pred = lax.broadcast_in_dim(pred, np.shape(on_true), idx) return, on_true, on_false) def _bcast_select_n(pred, *cases): if np.ndim(pred) != np.ndim(cases[0]): idx = list(range(np.ndim(pred))) pred = lax.broadcast_in_dim(pred, np.shape(cases[0]), idx) return lax.select_n(pred, *cases) def _cond_batching_rule(spmd_axis_name, axis_size, axis_name, main_type, args, dims, branches, linear): index, *ops = args index_dim, *op_dims = dims # TODO(sharadmv): clean this up by adding a specific blocklist if any(isinstance(eff, RefEffect) for branch in branches for eff in branch.jaxpr.effects): raise NotImplementedError( "State effect not supported in vmap-of-cond.") from jax._src.callback import _IOEffect, _OrderedIOEffect if any(eff in branch.effects for eff in [_IOEffect, _OrderedIOEffect] for branch in branches): raise NotImplementedError( "IO effect not supported in vmap-of-cond.") if index_dim is not batching.not_mapped: # Convert to a While we could get away with not broadcasting # some operands yet, because all outputs must be broadcast together anyway # for the select we broadcast the input operands for simplicity and leave # optimizations to XLA. # TODO(mattjj,frostig): assumes branches are side-effect-free, revise! index, *ops = ( batching.bdim_at_front(x, d, axis_size) for x, d in zip(args, dims)) in_batched = [True] * len(branches[0].in_avals) out_batched = [True] * len(branches[0].out_avals) branches_batched = [ batching.batch_jaxpr( jaxpr, axis_size, in_batched, out_batched, axis_name, spmd_axis_name, main_type)[0] for jaxpr in branches] branch_outs = [] for i, jaxpr in enumerate(branches_batched): # Perform a select on the inputs for safety of reverse-mode autodiff; see # predicate = lax.eq(index, lax._const(index, i)) ops_ = [_bcast_select(predicate, x, lax.stop_gradient(x)) for x in ops] branch_outs.append(core.jaxpr_as_fun(jaxpr)(*ops_)) out = [_bcast_select_n(index, *outs) for outs in zip(*branch_outs)] return out, [0 if b else None for b in out_batched] else: ops_bat = [d is not batching.not_mapped for d in op_dims] ops = [batching.moveaxis(x, d, 0) if b else x for b, x, d in zip(ops_bat, ops, op_dims)] branches_out_bat = [ batching.batch_jaxpr(jaxpr, axis_size, ops_bat, False, axis_name, spmd_axis_name, main_type)[1] for jaxpr in branches] out_bat = [any(bat) for bat in zip(*branches_out_bat)] branches_batched = tuple( batching.batch_jaxpr(jaxpr, axis_size, ops_bat, out_bat, axis_name, spmd_axis_name, main_type)[0] for jaxpr in branches) out_dims = [0 if b else batching.not_mapped for b in out_bat] out = cond_p.bind( index, *ops, branches=branches_batched, linear=linear) return out, out_dims def _cond_jvp(primals, tangents, branches, linear): nonzeros = [type(t) is not ad_util.Zero for t in tangents] index_nz, *ops_nz = nonzeros assert index_nz is False branches_out_nz = [ad.jvp_jaxpr(jaxpr, ops_nz, instantiate=False)[1] for jaxpr in branches] out_nz = [any(nz) for nz in zip(*branches_out_nz)] branches_jvp = tuple(ad.jvp_jaxpr(jaxpr, ops_nz, instantiate=out_nz)[0] for jaxpr in branches) index, *ops = primals _, *ops_dot = tangents ops_dot = _prune_zeros(ops_dot) ops_lin = tuple(linear) linear_jvp = ops_lin + (True,) * len(ops_dot) out = cond_p.bind( index, *ops, *ops_dot, branches=branches_jvp, linear=linear_jvp) out_primals, out_tangents = split_list(out, [len(out_nz)]) out_tangents_iter = iter(out_tangents) out_tangents = [next(out_tangents_iter) if nz else ad_util.Zero.from_value(p) for p, nz in zip(out_primals, out_nz)] return out_primals, out_tangents def _cond_partial_eval(trace, *tracers, branches, linear): in_unknowns = [t.pval[0] is not None for t in tracers] index_uk, *ops_uk = in_unknowns if any(isinstance(eff, RefEffect) for branch in branches for eff in branch.jaxpr.effects): raise NotImplementedError( "State effect not supported in cond partial-eval.") if index_uk: # When the branch index is unknown, we stage out the whole cond. # TODO(mattjj): remove this path when old remat is removed params = dict(branches=branches, linear=linear) return trace.default_process_primitive(cond_p, tracers, params) branches_out_uks = [] for branch_jaxpr in branches: _, _, out_uks, _ = pe.partial_eval_jaxpr_nounits( branch_jaxpr, ops_uk, instantiate=False) branches_out_uks.append(out_uks) out_uks = [any(uks) for uks in zip(*branches_out_uks)] branches_known, branches_unknown, branch_res_avals = [], [], [] for branch_jaxpr in branches: branch_jaxpr_known, branch_jaxpr_unknown, _, res_avals = \ pe.partial_eval_jaxpr_nounits(branch_jaxpr, ops_uk, instantiate=out_uks) branches_known.append(branch_jaxpr_known) branches_unknown.append(branch_jaxpr_unknown) branch_res_avals.append(res_avals) all_res_avals, res_avals_per_branch = _merge_branch_residuals(branch_res_avals) num_res = len(all_res_avals) num_known_outs = len(out_uks) - sum(out_uks) branches_known = _join_cond_outputs( branches_known, all_res_avals, res_avals_per_branch, num_known_outs) branches_unknown = _join_cond_pe_staged_jaxpr_inputs( branches_unknown, all_res_avals, res_avals_per_branch) assert all(all(map(core.typematch, j.out_avals, branches_known[0].out_avals)) for j in branches_known[1:]) in_consts = [t.pval.get_known() for t in tracers if t.pval.is_known()] linear_known = [l for l, uk in zip(linear, ops_uk) if not uk] out_consts_res = cond_p.bind(*in_consts, branches=branches_known, linear=tuple(linear_known)) out_consts, res = split_list(out_consts_res, [len(out_consts_res) - num_res]) index_tracer = trace.instantiate_const(tracers[0]) ops_tracers = [trace.instantiate_const(t) for uk, t in zip(in_unknowns[1:], tracers[1:]) if uk] res_tracers = map(trace.new_instantiated_const, res) out_tracers = [pe.JaxprTracer(trace, pe.PartialVal.unknown(aval), None) for aval in branches_unknown[0].out_avals] linear_unknown = ([False] * num_res + [l for l, uk in zip(linear, in_unknowns[1:]) if uk]) params = dict(branches=branches_unknown, linear=tuple(linear_unknown)) name_stack = source_info_util.current_name_stack()[len(trace.name_stack):] source = source_info_util.current().replace(name_stack=name_stack) eqn = pe.new_eqn_recipe( [index_tracer] + res_tracers + ops_tracers, out_tracers, cond_p, params, core.join_effects(*(j.effects for j in branches_unknown)), source) for t in out_tracers: t.recipe = eqn return util.merge_lists(out_uks, out_consts, out_tracers) # TODO(mattjj): de-duplicate with _cond_partial_eval def _cond_partial_eval_custom(saveable, unks_in, inst_in, eqn): index_uk, *ops_uk = unks_in branches = eqn.params['branches'] # Instantiate all inputs (b/c jaxpr_staged will take all inputs). new_inst = [x for x, inst in zip(eqn.invars, inst_in) if type(x) is core.Var and not inst] del inst_in # NOTE(mattjj): I think it should be impossible for the index to be unknown, # but asserting that caused a test failure in diffrax. So we handle it: if it # is unknown, stage out the whole cond. if index_uk: all_true = [True] * len(branches[0].out_avals) return None, eqn, all_true, all_true, new_inst # First, compute output unknowns (unks_out), where an output of the cond is # unknown if it would be unknown on any of the branches. unks_out: list[bool] = [False] * len(eqn.outvars) for jaxpr in branches: _, _, unks_out_, _, _ = pe.partial_eval_jaxpr_custom( jaxpr.jaxpr, in_unknowns=ops_uk, in_inst=True, ensure_out_unknowns=False, ensure_out_inst=True, saveable=saveable) unks_out = map(operator.or_, unks_out, unks_out_) # Next, use the computed output unknowns to build a known jaxpr and a staged # jaxpr for each branch. branches_known_ : list[core.ClosedJaxpr] = [] branches_staged_: list[core.ClosedJaxpr] = [] branch_res_avals: list[core.AbstractValue] = [] for jaxpr in branches: jaxpr_known, jaxpr_staged, _, inst_out, num_res = \ pe.partial_eval_jaxpr_custom( jaxpr.jaxpr, in_unknowns=ops_uk, in_inst=True, ensure_out_unknowns=unks_out, ensure_out_inst=True, saveable=saveable) branches_known_.append( core.ClosedJaxpr(jaxpr_known, jaxpr.consts)) branches_staged_.append(core.ClosedJaxpr(jaxpr_staged, jaxpr.consts)) branch_res_avals.append(branches_staged_[-1].in_avals[:num_res]) # Residuals may differ across branches, so we merge them, then use the merged # residuals to join the outputs of all branches to the same type. all_res_avals, res_avals_per_branch = _merge_branch_residuals(branch_res_avals) num_res = len(all_res_avals) num_known_outs = len(unks_out) - sum(unks_out) branches_known = _join_cond_outputs( branches_known_, all_res_avals, res_avals_per_branch, num_known_outs) branches_staged = _join_cond_pe_staged_jaxpr_inputs( branches_staged_, all_res_avals, res_avals_per_branch) assert all(all(map(core.typematch, j.out_avals, branches_known[0].out_avals)) for j in branches_known[1:]) # Create residual variables. newvar = core.gensym() res_binders = map(newvar, all_res_avals) # Build the known eqn. ins_known, _ = partition_list(unks_in, eqn.invars) # includes index invar out_binders_known, _ = partition_list(unks_out, eqn.outvars) linear_known = [l for l, uk in zip(eqn.params['linear'], ops_uk) if not uk] params_known = dict(branches=branches_known, linear=tuple(linear_known)) effects_known = _join_cond_effects(branches_known) eqn_known = pe.new_jaxpr_eqn( ins_known, [*out_binders_known, *res_binders], cond_p, params_known, effects_known, eqn.source_info) # Build the staged eqn. _, out_binders_staged = partition_list(inst_out, eqn.outvars) linear_staged = [False] * len(res_binders) + list(eqn.params['linear']) params_staged = dict(branches=branches_staged, linear=tuple(linear_staged)) effects_staged = _join_cond_effects(branches_staged) eqn_staged = pe.new_jaxpr_eqn( [eqn.invars[0], *res_binders, *eqn.invars[1:]], out_binders_staged, cond_p, params_staged, effects_staged, eqn.source_info) new_vars = [*new_inst, *res_binders] return eqn_known, eqn_staged, unks_out, inst_out, new_vars # When partially evaluating conditionals, each branch produces residuals # depending on the computation carried out by the branch, and a corresponding # staged jaxpr that accepts those residuals as its first few inputs. The # residual-producing branches are staged as jaxprs and bound right away in a # conditional. The residual-consuming jaxprs are assembled together in a jaxpr # conditional. The following helper functions ensure that both collections of # jaxprs (those evaluated and those staged) are valid for joint use under their # respective conditionals. # # In particular, the residuals derived from each original branch may have # distinct types. Because the branches of conditionals must have identical type # signatures, we join residuals together across branches into a common format. # In order to set up a type signature that all branches can conform to, it would # suffice to concatenate all branches' residuals. But concatenation can result # in redundant inputs and outputs, and might lead to memory allocation that # scales unnecessarily with the branch count. This function finds common # residual types across branches for reuse, so as to avoid redundant # allocation. It returns a list L of types (avals) representing the collection # of residuals merged according to type, and, for each branch, a lookup table to # match its residuals to their positions/types in L. Example input/output: # # [x], [y], [x, x] -> [x, y, x], [[0], [1], [0, 2]] # [x], [x], [x, x] -> [x, x], [[0], [0], [0, 1]] # [y, x, x], [x, z, y], [z, x] -> [y, x, x, z], [[0, 1, 2], [1, 3, 0], [3, 1]] def _merge_branch_residuals(branch_res_avals): def enumerate_equal(xs): counts = {v: itertools.count() for v in set(xs)} return [(x, next(counts[x])) for x in xs] branch_res_tagged_avals = map(enumerate_equal, branch_res_avals) all_tagged_avals = _ordered_unique(util.concatenate(branch_res_tagged_avals)) indices = {v: i for i, v in enumerate(all_tagged_avals)} branch_indices = [ [indices[aval] for aval in avals] for avals in branch_res_tagged_avals] all_avals = [x for x, _ in all_tagged_avals] return all_avals, branch_indices # This function augments branch outputs to agree with the merged residual # format: each branch is made to return zero-filled values in the places of # residual outputs that it does not populate. def _join_cond_outputs(jaxprs, all_res_avals, res_aval_indices_per_jaxpr, num_non_res_outputs): def augment_jaxpr(jaxpr, res_indices): @lu.wrap_init def f_aug(*args): outs_and_residuals = core.jaxpr_as_fun(jaxpr)(*args) outs, residuals = split_list(outs_and_residuals, [num_non_res_outputs]) aug_residuals = map(ad_util.zeros_like_aval, all_res_avals) aug_residuals = util.subvals(aug_residuals, zip(res_indices, residuals)) return outs + list(aug_residuals) return _make_closed_jaxpr(f_aug, jaxpr.in_avals) return tuple(map(augment_jaxpr, jaxprs, res_aval_indices_per_jaxpr)) # This function augments branch inputs to agree with the merged residual format: # each branch is made to accept all residuals, even though it will ignore those # that it does not read. def _join_cond_pe_staged_jaxpr_inputs(jaxprs, all_res_avals, res_aval_indices_per_jaxpr): newvar = core.gensym(suffix='_') all_res_vars = map(newvar, all_res_avals) def augment_jaxpr(jaxpr, res_indices): num_res = len(res_indices) res_vars = jaxpr.jaxpr.invars[:num_res] non_res_vars = jaxpr.jaxpr.invars[num_res:] aug_res_vars = list(util.subvals(all_res_vars, zip(res_indices, res_vars))) aug_invars = aug_res_vars + non_res_vars jaxpr_aug = core.Jaxpr(jaxpr.jaxpr.constvars, aug_invars, jaxpr.jaxpr.outvars, jaxpr.jaxpr.eqns, jaxpr.jaxpr.effects) jaxpr_aug = core.ClosedJaxpr(jaxpr_aug, jaxpr.consts) return jaxpr_aug return tuple(map(augment_jaxpr, jaxprs, res_aval_indices_per_jaxpr)) def _ordered_unique(xs): d = collections.OrderedDict((x, None) for x in xs) return list(d.keys()) def _cond_dce_rule(used_outputs: list[bool], eqn: core.JaxprEqn, ) -> tuple[list[bool], core.JaxprEqn]: closed_branches = eqn.params['branches'] branches = [closed_jaxpr.jaxpr for closed_jaxpr in closed_branches] # First, compute which inputs are used in any branch (not including `pred`). used_inputs: list[bool] = [False] * (len(eqn.invars) - 1) # -1 for pred for jaxpr in branches: _, used_inputs_ = pe.dce_jaxpr(jaxpr, used_outputs, instantiate=False) used_inputs = map(operator.or_, used_inputs, used_inputs_) # Next, compute DCEd branches, instantiating according to used_inputs. dce_branches_ = [pe.dce_jaxpr(jaxpr, used_outputs, instantiate=used_inputs)[0] for jaxpr in branches] dce_branches = [core.ClosedJaxpr(jaxpr, closed_jaxpr.consts) for closed_jaxpr, jaxpr in zip(closed_branches, dce_branches_)] # Finally, update parameters and form the new eqn. dce_linear = [l for l, used in zip(eqn.params['linear'], used_inputs) if used] new_params = dict(eqn.params, branches=tuple(dce_branches), linear=tuple(dce_linear)) new_effects = core.join_effects(*(b.effects for b in dce_branches)) new_effects = _join_cond_effects(dce_branches_) new_eqn = pe.new_jaxpr_eqn( [v for v, used in zip(eqn.invars, [True, *used_inputs]) if used], [v for v, used in zip(eqn.outvars, used_outputs) if used], eqn.primitive, new_params, new_effects, eqn.source_info) assert all(len(new_eqn.invars ) == 1 + len(jaxpr.in_avals ) for jaxpr in new_params['branches']) assert all(len(new_eqn.outvars) == len(jaxpr.out_avals) for jaxpr in new_params['branches']) return [True, *used_inputs], new_eqn def _transpose_cond_jaxpr(jaxpr, num_res): res_avals, primal_avals = split_list(jaxpr.in_avals, [num_res]) primal_avals = map(raise_to_shaped, primal_avals) @lu.wrap_init def transposed(*args): res, cts_out = split_list(args, [num_res]) primals = res + [ad.UndefinedPrimal(aval) for aval in primal_avals] cts_in = ad.backward_pass( jaxpr.jaxpr, False, jaxpr.consts, primals, cts_out) _, cts_in = split_list(cts_in, [num_res]) return map(ad.instantiate_zeros, cts_in) return _make_closed_jaxpr(transposed, res_avals + jaxpr.out_avals) def _cond_transpose(cts, *args, branches, linear): del linear # could use for error checking, but see #14026 index, *ops = args linear = [type(x) is ad.UndefinedPrimal for x in ops] in_avals = map(raise_to_shaped, branches[0].in_avals) num_res = len(ops) - sum(linear) if any(isinstance(eff, RefEffect) for branch in branches for eff in branch.jaxpr.effects): raise NotImplementedError("State effect not supported in cond transpose.") branches_trans = tuple( _transpose_cond_jaxpr(jaxpr, num_res) for jaxpr in branches) lin_in_avals = [raise_to_shaped(a, weak_type=False) for a, l in zip(in_avals, linear) if l] assert all(core.typematch(out_aval, lin_in_aval) for jaxpr in branches_trans for out_aval, lin_in_aval in zip(jaxpr.out_avals, lin_in_avals)) res = ops[:num_res] cts = map(ad.instantiate_zeros, cts) linear_trans = (False,) * num_res + (True,) * len(cts) out = cond_p.bind( index, *res, *cts, branches=branches_trans, linear=linear_trans) assert all(map(core.typecheck, lin_in_avals, out)) out_iter = iter(out) out = [next(out_iter) if l else None for l in linear] assert next(out_iter, None) is None return [None] + out def _cond_axis_substitution(params, subst, traverse): if not traverse: return params branches = tuple(core.subst_axis_names_jaxpr(jaxpr, subst) for jaxpr in params['branches']) return dict(params, branches=branches) def _cond_typecheck(bind_time, *in_atoms, branches, linear): if not bind_time: _, *in_atoms = in_atoms avals = [x.aval for x in in_atoms] tc = partial(_typecheck_param, 'cond') tc(branches, 'branches', 'tuple of ClosedJaxpr', type(branches) is tuple and all(type(x) is core.ClosedJaxpr for x in branches)) tc(linear, 'linear', 'tuple of bool', type(linear) is tuple and all(type(x) is bool for x in linear)) if len(branches) == 0: raise core.JaxprTypeError('cond requires at least one branch function') if len(linear) + 1 != len(avals): raise core.JaxprTypeError(f'cond given {len(linear)} linear flags for ' f'{len(avals) - 1} non-predicate operands') jaxpr0 = branches[0] jaxpr0_in_avals_str = _avals_short(jaxpr0.in_avals) jaxpr0_out_avals_str = _avals_short(jaxpr0.out_avals) joined_effects = _join_cond_effects(branches) disallowed_effects = effects.control_flow_allowed_effects.filter_not_in(joined_effects) if disallowed_effects: raise NotImplementedError( f'Effects not supported in `cond`: {disallowed_effects}') for i, jaxpr in enumerate(branches[1:]): if len(jaxpr0.in_avals) != len(jaxpr.in_avals): raise core.JaxprTypeError( f'cond branch 0 takes {len(jaxpr0.in_avals)} inputs, ' f'branch {i+1} takes {len(jaxpr.in_avals)}') if len(jaxpr0.out_avals) != len(jaxpr.out_avals): raise core.JaxprTypeError( f'cond branch 0 outputs {len(jaxpr0.out_avals)} values, ' f'branch {i+1} outputs {len(jaxpr.out_avals)}') if not all(map(core.typematch, jaxpr0.in_avals, jaxpr.in_avals)): raise core.JaxprTypeError( f'cond branches 0 and {i+1} have mismatching input types: ' f'{jaxpr0_in_avals_str} vs {_avals_short(jaxpr.in_avals)}') if not all(map(core.typematch, jaxpr0.out_avals, jaxpr.out_avals)): raise core.JaxprTypeError( f'cond branches 0 and {i+1} have mismatching output types: ' f'{jaxpr0_out_avals_str} vs {_avals_short(jaxpr.out_avals)}') if len(avals) != 1 + len(jaxpr0.in_avals): raise core.JaxprTypeError( f'cond called with {len(avals) - 1} non-predicate operands, ' f'but branches take {len(jaxpr0.in_avals)} inputs') index_aval, *op_avals = avals if index_aval.dtype != np.int32: raise core.JaxprTypeError( f'cond called with index of type {index_aval.dtype} instead of int32') if not all(map(core.typecompat, jaxpr0.in_avals, op_avals)): raise core.JaxprTypeError( f'cond branches take input types {jaxpr0_in_avals_str}, ' f'called with operands of type {_avals_short(op_avals)}') return jaxpr0.out_avals, joined_effects def cond_bind(*args, branches, linear): if config.enable_checks.value: avals = map(core.get_aval, args) in_atoms = [core.Var('', a) for a in avals] # dummies _cond_typecheck(True, *in_atoms, branches=branches, linear=linear) for jaxpr in branches: core.check_jaxpr(jaxpr.jaxpr) return core.AxisPrimitive.bind(cond_p, *args, branches=branches, linear=linear) cond_p = core.AxisPrimitive('cond') cond_p.multiple_results = True cond_p.def_impl(partial(dispatch.apply_primitive, cond_p)) cond_p.def_effectful_abstract_eval(_cond_abstract_eval) cond_p.def_custom_bind(cond_bind) ad.primitive_jvps[cond_p] = _cond_jvp ad.reducing_transposes[cond_p] = _cond_transpose pe.custom_partial_eval_rules[cond_p] = _cond_partial_eval batching.spmd_axis_primitive_batchers[cond_p] = _cond_batching_rule batching.axis_primitive_batchers[cond_p] = partial(_cond_batching_rule, None) xla.register_initial_style_primitive(cond_p) core.custom_typechecks[cond_p] = partial(_cond_typecheck, False) core.axis_substitution_rules[cond_p] = _cond_axis_substitution pe.partial_eval_jaxpr_custom_rules[cond_p] = _cond_partial_eval_custom pe.dce_rules[cond_p] = _cond_dce_rule def _cond_lowering(ctx, index, *args, branches, linear): del linear # Unused. joined_effects = core.join_effects(*(branch.effects for branch in branches)) ordered_effects = list(effects.ordered_effects.filter_in(joined_effects)) num_tokens = len(ordered_effects) tokens_in = ctx.tokens_in.subset(ordered_effects) output_token_types = [mlir.token_type() for _ in ordered_effects] output_types = [ *output_token_types, *map(mlir.aval_to_ir_types, ctx.avals_out)] flat_output_types = util.flatten(output_types) # CaseOp takes a single argument 'index' and the corresponding blocks # have no arguments; the computation within the block uses implicit # captures. case_op = hlo.CaseOp(flat_output_types, index=index, num_branches=len(branches)) name_stack = ctx.name_stack.extend('cond') for i, jaxpr in enumerate(branches): branch = case_op.regions[i].blocks.append() with ir.InsertionPoint(branch): consts = [mlir.ir_constants(xla.canonicalize_dtype(x)) for x in jaxpr.consts] out_vals, tokens_out = mlir.jaxpr_subcomp( ctx.module_context, jaxpr.jaxpr, name_stack.extend(f'branch_{i}_fun'), tokens_in, consts, *map(mlir.wrap_singleton_ir_values, args), dim_var_values=ctx.dim_var_values) out_tokens = [tokens_out.get(eff) for eff in ordered_effects] out_vals = [*out_tokens, *out_vals] hlo.return_(util.flatten(out_vals)) tokens_and_outputs = util.unflatten(case_op.results, map(len, output_types)) tokens, outputs = util.split_list(tokens_and_outputs, [num_tokens]) ctx.set_tokens_out(mlir.TokenSet(zip(ordered_effects, tokens))) return outputs mlir.register_lowering(cond_p, _cond_lowering) @register_discharge_rule(cond_p) def _cond_state_discharge_rule(in_avals, out_avals, *args, branches, linear): discharged_branches = tuple( core.ClosedJaxpr(discharge_state(branch.jaxpr, ())[0], ()) for branch in branches) out_vals = cond_p.bind(*args, branches=discharged_branches, linear=linear) out_vals, out_ref_vals = util.split_list( out_vals, [len(out_avals)]) ref_val_iter = iter(out_ref_vals) new_invals = [] for aval in in_avals: new_invals.append( next(ref_val_iter) if isinstance(aval, AbstractRef) else None) return new_invals, out_vals _T = TypeVar("_T") def platform_dependent(*args: Any, default: Callable[..., _T] | None = None, **per_platform: Callable[..., _T]): """Stages out platform-specific code. In JAX the actual platform on which a computation is run is determined very late, e.g., based on where the data is located. When using AOT lowering or serialization, the computation may be compiled and executed on a different machine, or even on a platform that is not available at lowering time. This means that it is not safe to write platform-dependent code using Python conditionals, e.g., based on the current default JAX platform. Instead, one can use ``platform_dependent``: Usage:: def cpu_code(*args): ... def tpu_code(*args): ... def other_platforms_code(*args): ... res = platform_dependent(*args, cpu=cpu_code, tpu=tpu_code, default=other_platforms_code) When the staged out code is executed on a CPU, this is equivalent to ``cpu_code(*args)``, on a TPU is equivalent to ``tpu_code(*args)`` and on any other platform to ``other_platforms_code(*args)``. Unlike a Python conditional, all alternatives are traced and staged out to Jaxpr. This is similar to, and is implemented in terms of, :func:`~switch`, from which it inherits the behavior under transformations. Unlike a :func:`~switch` the choice of what gets executed is made earlier: in most cases during lowering when the lowering platform is known; in the rare case of multi-platform lowering and serialization, the StableHLO code will contain a conditional on the actual platform. This conditional is resolved just in time prior to compilation when the compilation platform is known. This means that the compiler actually never sees a conditional. Args: *args: JAX arrays passed to each of the branches. May be PyTrees. **per_platform: branches to use for different platforms. The branches are JAX callables invoked with ``*args``. The keywords are platform names, e.g., 'cpu', 'tpu', 'cuda', 'rocm'. default: optional default branch to use for a platform not mentioned in ``per_platform``. If there is no ``default`` there will be an error when the code is lowered for a platform not mentioned in ``per_platform``. Returns: The value ``per_platform[execution_platform](*args)``. """ # Join identical branches platform_branches: list[tuple[list[str], Callable]] = [] for pname, pbranch in per_platform.items(): if pname == "gpu": raise ValueError("Use 'cuda' or 'rocm' for lax.platform_dependent.") for ps, b in platform_branches: if b == pbranch: ps.append(pname) break else: platform_branches.append(([pname], pbranch)) platforms_lists, branches = util.unzip2(platform_branches) platform_index = platform_index_p.bind( platforms=tuple(tuple(ps) for ps in platforms_lists), has_default=(default is not None)) if default is not None: branches = branches + (default,) # Use a switch, to get the proper transformation rules for free. Since # platform index has no dependence on the input data, it won't be vectorized # under vmap. return switch(platform_index, branches, *args) # A primitive to compute the index of a platform into a list of platforms. # Args: # platforms: Sequence[Sequence[str]]: a sequence of sequences of platform # names. If the current lowering platform is in one of the inner sequences # returns the index of that inner sequence in the outer sequence. # has_default: if True, and if the lowering platform is not found in # `platforms` then return `len(platforms)`. Otherwise, raise an error. platform_index_p = core.Primitive("platform_index") platform_index_p.multiple_results = False platform_index_p.def_impl(functools.partial(dispatch.apply_primitive, platform_index_p)) @platform_index_p.def_abstract_eval def _platform_index_aval(*_, **__): return core.ShapedArray((), np.int32) def _platform_index_lowering(ctx: mlir.LoweringRuleContext, *, platforms: Sequence[Sequence[str]], has_default: bool): def lower_constant(ctx: mlir.LoweringRuleContext, *, i: int) -> return mlir.ir_constants(np.int32(i)) platform_rules: dict[str, mlir.LoweringRule] = {} for i, ps in enumerate(platforms): rule = partial(lower_constant, i=i) for p in ps: platform_rules[p] = rule default_rule = ( partial(lower_constant, i=len(platforms)) if has_default else None) return mlir.lower_per_platform( ctx, f"platform_index(platforms={platforms}, has_default={has_default})", platform_rules, default_rule, effects.no_effects) mlir.register_lowering(platform_index_p, _platform_index_lowering)