

jax.make_array_from_single_device_arrays(shape, sharding, arrays)[source]#
Returns a jax.Array from a sequence of jax.Arrays each on a single device.

Every device in input sharding's mesh must have an array in arrayss.

  • shape (tuple[int, ...]) – Shape of the output jax.Array. This conveys information already included with sharding and arrays and serves as a double check.

  • sharding (Sharding) – Sharding: A global Sharding instance which describes how the output jax.Array is laid out across devices.

  • arrays (Sequence[Array]) – Sequence of jax.Arrays that are each single device addressable. len(arrays) must equal len(sharding.addressable_devices) and the shape of each array must be the same. For multiprocess code, each process will call with a different arrays argument that corresponds to that processes’ data. These arrays are commonly created via jax.device_put.


A global jax.Array, sharded as sharding, with shape equal to shape, and with per-device

contents matching arrays.

Return type:



In this single-process example, we use make_array_from_single_device_arrays to create an a global array.

>>> import math
>>> from jax.sharding import Mesh
>>> from jax.sharding import PartitionSpec as P
>>> import numpy as np
>>> mesh_rows = 2
>>> mesh_cols =  jax.device_count() // 2
>>> global_shape = (8, 8)
>>> mesh = Mesh(np.array(jax.devices()).reshape(mesh_rows, mesh_cols), ('x', 'y'))
>>> sharding = jax.sharding.NamedSharding(mesh, P('x', 'y'))
>>> inp_data = np.arange(math.prod(global_shape)).reshape(global_shape)
>>> arrays = [
...    jax.device_put(inp_data[index], d)
...        for d, index in sharding.addressable_devices_indices_map(global_shape).items()]
>>> arr = jax.make_array_from_single_device_arrays(global_shape, sharding, arrays)
>>> assert arr.shape == (8,8) # arr.shape is (8,8) regardless of jax.device_count()

When using multiple processes, a common data pipeline is to have data parallelism across devices, with each device receiving at least one example. In this case, the following recipe will use make_array_from_single_device_arrays to create a global jax.Array.

First, we create the per host data as Numpy arrays.

>>> sharding = jax.sharding.NamedSharding(mesh, P(('x', 'y'),))
>>> rows_per_device = 2
>>> feature_length = 32
>>> per_device_shape = (rows_per_device, feature_length)
>>> per_host_shape = (rows_per_device * len(mesh.local_devices), feature_length)
>>> per_host_generator = lambda : np.arange(np.prod(per_host_shape)).reshape(per_host_shape)
>>> per_host_data = per_host_generator() # replace with your own per-host data pipeline that outputs numpy arrays

Second, we put the Numpy data onto the local devices as single device Jax Arrays. Then we call make_array_from_single_device_arrays to make the global Array.

>>> global_shape = (rows_per_device * len(sharding.device_set), ) + per_device_shape[1:]
>>> per_device_data = np.split(per_host_data, len(mesh.local_devices), axis = 0) # per device data, but on host
>>> per_device_data_on_device = jax.device_put(per_device_data, mesh.local_devices) # per device data, now on device
>>> output_global_array = jax.make_array_from_single_device_arrays(global_shape, sharding, per_device_data_on_device)
>>> assert output_global_array.addressable_data(0).shape == per_device_shape
>>> assert output_global_array.shape == global_shape

When using tensor parallelism (equivalent to sharding across both rows and columns in the above example), the above example doesn’t generate the data in the sharding that you plan to consume it with. The most common fix is to simply load the data in this data parallel sharding and have the reshard happen automatically within the downstream jitted function. Depending on your use case, you might prefer to directly load sharded data, something that make_array_from_single_device_arrays can do but will depend on your data loading pipeline also loading in the matching sharding. Loading in a data parallel format is typically fully satisfactory for data loading for LLM use cases.